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Coaching and coping strategies training

Coaching and coping strategies training

Following a workplace needs assessment, it may have been recommended that an employee will benefit from on-the-job coaching. These sessions are highly role-specific and seek to directly address some of the difficulties identified in the assessment. Our coaches are highly trained in helping employees build new strategies that seek to address these issues, whilst improving output and reducing work-related stress.
Coaching sessions will often help employees build better time-management strategies and can assist those in need of better work prioritisation. Some of the topics may include but are not limited to the following:

  1. Developing strategies to manage workload and become more efficient and productive
  2. Developing strategies to improve time management, meet deadlines and targets
  3. Develop reading strategies, e.g. skimming & scanning skills
  4. Improve oral and written communication skills such as participation in meetings, delivering presentations, constructing effective e-mails, letters & reports
  5. Help the individual to cope in stressful situations such as noisy office environments with many distractions
  6. Develop strategies for coping with change at work
A detailed coaching and training curriculum can generally be found within the workplace needs assessment report.

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Coaching and Coping Strategies Training